Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Faces of Summer

We all know the fickle weather in Illinois could turn at any moment, so The Crew and I took full advantage today and played outside in the sprinkler.  It was fabulous.  The little ones (Swanny Jr. and Shmook) were really taking in their surroundings.  

Shmook is very curious about the grass.  He inspects it with all of his senses!  He is also getting very good at crawling and likes to move towards the bushes and swat at them with his hands.

Swanny Jr. was really happy to watch the older kids from the safety of his baby tent.  You can tell he is trying really hard to focus on the blur of activity as the kids fly all around him.  It is quite a task!

Sissy was in her glory.  She is a "drinker" by nature and I am sure if I pureed all of her meals she would be in hog heaven.  That said, when she laid eyes on the sprinkler, you could tell she was thinking "Sweet, I can totally drink till my hearts content", and she did.  

Peanut snagged a pair of princess swim goggles from the outdoor toy box and didn't take them off the entire two hours we were outside.  She also loved filling up her squirt gun over and over (side note: when I was helping her get dried off she said to me "Rikki, you smell like a cracker".  I am still trying to decide if it was a compliment or an insult).  

Miss. Thang pretended the new bench on the deck was a stage, she stood on it and belted her little lungs out.  The girl is a little Hanna Montana in training.  She doesn't care if anyone is listening, she twirls, and sings, and dances whenever she gets a chance.  Maybe the next American Idol?

HP is always the one that wants to get the sprinkler out.  Unfortunately, she doesn't like to get wet.  As soon as she gets the first drip on her, she makes a bee-line for the towel pile where she grabs one (usually the biggest one) and proceeds to snuggle in and repeat "I don't love the sprinkler" over and over.  She is a weird kid.  

The Dude was smiling from ear to ear.  If he wasn't chasing one of the girls, or filling his mouth up with water just to spit it back out, he was karate chopping and kicking the stream coming out of the sprinkler.  He has enough energy for 10 people.

I have the best job in the world.  See for yourself...


zztopdog said...

Adorable! What fun!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

They are all so adorable!! Wish I was back at the age when running through a sprinkler was all I needed!!


Glad you like my blog! (saying it's unique is good, right?) :)

Andrea's Sweet Life said...

This is my first time visiting your blog, so at first I thougt those were all YOUR kids. Talk about a handful!

The little guy with the crazy hair is especially adorable!

Thanks for stopping by Sweet Life!

The Mrs. said...

I'm convinced that there is a very special place in Heaven for daycare providers like you.

It takes an incredible person to provide the delicate balance of love, care, fun, fairness, and the occassional need for discipline to other people's children while at the same time being on-duty mom to your own kiddos.

At home daycares are THE BOMB, and all of us moms out there thank you from the bottom of our very grateful hearts for taking such great care of our babies while they are with you!!!

jen said...

A-to-the-men, Mrs. And THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Rikki!! It made being back at work this week easier knowing my kiddos were with you!!