Tuesday, May 18, 2010

La Tooth

The Dude has had two obsessions over the past few weeks. One, is the camo bucket hat that he got at Easter (it was the base of his basket, upside down). He has been wearing it every day. Secondly, he has discovered the ability to gross me out by wiggling his tooth. It SERIOUSLY gives me the heebies (just ask Peanut).

After a few days of incessant wiggling, The Dude decided that the tooth was about ready to be pulled. Not wanting to lose my lunch, I told him to wait until Starchy was home so he could help. Never one to have much patience, The Dude took matters in to his own hands and asked his older, wiser (read: third-grade) friend Drew to pull it. Not 30 seconds later, there was a space where a tooth used to be.

The Dude before (this was a few days before, but with the trusty bucket hat on, you wouldn't know unless I told ya!)

After: on the phone with a VERY excite Starchy!
That night The Dude came home with the cutest "story" from free write time in kindergarten. They are encouraged to write with little emphasis on spelling, rather working on sounds. Here is the note word-for-word:

"By Witt
I Lost u toth and et got wglr and wegler and wegler ant IE it stopt and my fen Drew pod et owt"

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (part 1)

Oh boy. I have been a bad little blogger. No post since Easter? Naughty RIKKI!

Sorry things have been so quiet around here. Are you still out there Internet? (*Rikki puts her hand to her ear and gives a listen)

I hope so.

Where to start? I guess the changes huh? Well...I got a new job. WHA? That's right! You heard right.

About a month ago there was an article in our local paper about our YMCA director retiring. I didn't think much of it at the time as I wasn't sure what the qualifications for the position were. A few weeks went by and I decided to check out the national vacancy listing on the YMCA website. I was quite excited to find out that not only did I hold all of the "required" skills, but also most of the "preferred" skills as well.

So I dusted off the ol' resume and submitted it along with my cover letter to the powers that be. I didn't hear anything for a few weeks, but then on the car ride to a weekend trip to St. Louis, I got a phone call saying that they wanted to give me a phone interview. Whoo-hoo! I was SO excited!

I had a few days to prepare myself and when the day for the call came, I felt pretty confident that I had put my best foot forward. I tried not to get my hopes up too much though, as it is hard to gauge what other people are thinking during a phone interview.

Another week goes by...

Then I get another phone call. They wanted to let me know that I was still in the running, but that I had not yet been granted an in-person interview. Gulp. I was left in limbo. Thankfully (for my nerves were SHOT) the recruiter told me she would call back the next day and let me know more...

The next day I was told that I was one of the finalists for the position! I would have an interview some time in the upcoming two weeks! EEEKK! They said I would be required to prepare a 25 minute presentation that would address a "challenge question" that would be given ahead of time.

I worked my hiney off on the presentation. I made a PowerPoint, handouts...the whole nine yards! I went out and bought a suit (it was FANCY-SHMANTSY) and a pair of "power shoes"!

The day of the in-person interview I knew I had done all I could. Though I was nervous walking in to the boardroom once I started my presentation, the nerves disappeared. It went by in the blink of an eye and once more I was forced to wait...

Until that fateful Friday afternoon, when I got the call that they would like to offer me the job as the new Executive Director!

I literally did fist pumps while I was on the phone (that's professional right?). Once I accepted the position, it dawned on me that the hard part wasn't over...it had just begun.

Because I now have to say goodbye to the kids I have loved and cared for over the past 2 1/2 years...(to be continued)